



So,hari ni kita akan travel ke sempadan Thailand Malaysia 


Betong (ThaiเบตงChineseå‹¿æ´ž) is a town (thesaban mueang) in southern Thailand, near the boundary to Malaysia. It is the capital of Betong district, the southernmost district of Yala Province. As of 2005, the town has a population of 24,688.
Betong is the southernmost town of Thailand and, being located by the border with the Malaysian state of Perak, is popular with tourists from Malaysia.


RM 130- 140
Air-conditionedRoom serviceKid-friendlyRestaurantHot tub





Piyamit Tunnel was built by a group of Malaya Communist Chinese Terrorism 1976. There was an objection in constructing to bea base for taking refuse on air and collecting food on a hill surrounded with a dense jungle. Inside the tunnel, there will be a width for people walking with 1 kilometer length of the tunnel. In the past, there had 9 exits but there are 6 exits left in the present.
There is still clues and traces of live living existing. Although they were bedrooms with bed made of clay sticked with cave wall, equipments for fighting, travelling. A general head quarter containing 200 persons and outside the tunnel in fighting. And presently there will be exhibition of the life living inside jungle interestingly.



3)Talay Mok Aiyoeweng

A very good place to look the cloud below you, very beautiful, but best to go not during raining day. Besides, the road is bad which is under construction while I was there, was told will be ready soon.





Kelahiran Semula Seni Bina Islam

Islamic Inspirations: Kelahiran Semula Seni Bina Islam

Menyingkap sejarah seni bina Islam, merupakan khazanah diwarisi dari satu era kegemilangan ribuan tahun dahulu di negara Islam.  Pengaruh seni bina Islam tersebar di serata dunia melalui penawanan empayar Rumawi, Konstantinopel, penaklukan ke atas kerajaan Sepanyol dan sebahagian dari benua Eropah oleh empayar kerajaan Islam, perkembangan ekonomi yang menyaksikan para pedagang membawa seni ini melalui jalan sutera, penerapan ilmu serta banyak cabang seni diyakini telah dibawa oleh pengembara, pendakwah dari negara islam ke negara yang dilawatinya.

Hari ini seni bina Islam sudah bersifat universal hasil percampuran idea dan kemahiran seni dari pelbagai bangsa dan empayar hebat seperti Turki, Iran, India, Sepanyol, Maghribi, Mesir, Syria termasuk Malaysia sendiri.

Selain menggunakan elemen alam semula jadi sebagai sumber inspirasi utama, I-NAI dikenali melalui pembuatan seni ukiran yang halus dan binaan yang direka khas daripada bahan Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum, concrete, polyurethane polymers, plastic, wood, stone dan ceramic tiles. Kekayaan bahan dan rekaan yang ditawarkan memberi lebih pilihan kepada arkitek untuk meneroka idea baru dan segar.

Tidak sekadar mendukung konsep islamik semata-mata, malah karya yang dihasilkan oleh I-NAI juga boleh menguatkan karakter seni bina kotemporari dan moden baik untuk binaan kediaman mahupun komersial.

30 tahun berada dalam industri seni bina, fabrikasi serta membekal dan memasang perhiasan seni bina islamik mengukuhkan portfolio I-NAI dalam industri seni bina di Malaysia. I-NAI diberi kepercayaan mengendalikan projek mega dan beprestij seperti Dataran Merdeka, Brickfields Little India, Istana Kehakiman Putrajaya, Masjid Putrajaya, Rumah Perdana Menteri, Masjid KLIA, Lapangan Terbang Terengganu, Istana Alam Shah. Istana Negara dan banyak lagi.

Potensi I-NAI Holdings bukan sekadar mengeksploitasi pasaran tempatan tetapi juga telah menarik minat para pelabur dari luar negara dengan menandatanganu MOU untuk mengembangkan perniagaan di Damman, Abu Dhabi, India, Turki, Nigeria dan lain-lain. Setiap sentuhan seni dan rekaan memdukung mesej cinta, keindahan, kedamaian dan kesatuan sejagat bertepatan slogan I-NAI “It is all about love, beauty, peace and unity’

The Importance of Information Technology In Today's World

The Importance of Information Technology in Business

With the introduction of computers, the business world was changed forever. Using computers and software, businesses use information technology to ensure that their departments run smoothly. They use information technology in a number of different departments including human resources, finance, manufacturing, and securityUsing information technology, businesses have the ability to view changes in the global markets far faster than they usually do. They purchase software packages and hardware that helps them get their job done. Most larger businesses have their own information technology department designed to upkeep the software and hardware. 
Information technology has allowed businesses to keep up with the supply and demand as consumers grow more anxious to have their items instantly. Using information technology, businesses like Amazon are working to help busy consumers do their grocery shopping. Just a few clicks on a website allows the consumer to submit an order, and information technology sends that order to the company.

The Importance of Information Technology in Education

The world of education is changing as the modern world continues to grow. With so much progress happening, it’s important that education be able to reach students in new ways so that
their students are prepared for the future. The students of today are the leaders, inventors, teachers, and businessmen (and women) of tomorrow. Without the proper skills, these students will not have the preparation needed to survive.With so much focus placed on education, it can sometimes be difficult to hold a job and still get the training needed to get a better job. Information technology plays a key role in students being able to keep their jobs and go to school. Now, most schools offer online classes that can be
accessed on computers or laptops, tablets, and even mobile phones. A busy student at work can easily check in or submit assignments while on their lunch break.
Teachers need to be prepared by staying up to date with information technology, and this can mean more than just reading about the latest gadgets. Using technology, teachers can prepare their students for a future flooded with gadgets including tablets, mobile phones, computers, and so much more.
Information technology is helping to prevent more high school and college dropouts as well. Life events can happen to anyone at any time, and even high schools are taking advantage of online classes so that students can continue their education instead of considering dropping out.

The Importance of Information Technology in Finance

With all the online purchases going on, it’s important that banks and security keep tabs on everything to keep everyone safe. Information technology might just be working its hardest with internet transactions. As more transactions are done, the internet requires more networks, more computers, and more security programs to keep its consumers safe. Without information technology, these purchases would be impossible, and it would be impossible for banks to keep these purchases secure.
Information technology has also made it faster and easier than ever to send or receive money. It’s now also easier to open an online small business to sell whatever you might want. If you don’t want to have to file for a domain name, set up a website, and all the other steps required for registering an online business, you can use other websites like Amazon, eBay, et cetera, to sell things.
Information technology also makes it easy for finance to function on a global level. In this modern age, your credit score and credit rating is available online securely. This allows lenders, insurance companies, and businesses to run a quick credit check on you making it far easier to open credit.

The Importance of Information Technology in Healthcare

Improvements in information technology have allowed for great reform in healthcare. Most medical offices can now send and receive digital medical information from doctors you’ve had in the past. Changes like this allow costs to be lowered and increase the amount of time doctors can spend on patients compared to paperwork.
Security improvements with information technology have made it so that your medical information is secure no matter where it’s sent. You can even have prescriptions sent digitally to local pharmacies at most medical.  
Along with the changing the amount of paperwork required at your medical office, information technology has also updated the technology a doctor can use to diagnose or treat you. Using computerized axial tomography (CAT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, the doctor can use a computer to create detailed images of your organs along with creating; images that show changes in your body chemistry and blood flow. This can be helpful to find illnesses that aren’t found with blood tests or other medical tests.

The Importance of Information Technology in Security

With so many transactions done online and so much information available online, it’s important to keep all of that safe. Information technology makes it possible for your online data to stay secure until accessed by the proper channels. Using passwords and encryption, information technology hides your personal digital data away, and the only way it can be accessed is by companies who have permission from you.
The Secret of Change is to Focus all of Your Energy, not on Fighting the Old but on Building the New !

5 uses information technology in our daily life


1.   Use of Technology in Business: Today businesses can save money by using technology to perform certain tasks. When you compare the amount of money spent on hiring an individual to perform a certain task and to guarantee delivery on time, it is costly. When it comes to technology, a small business can scale out and deliver more with less human resource.
For example: If you operate a manufacturing business, instead of hiring so many people to work in certain section, you can replace that labor with a ”PLC” programmed production line which will automate all process of manufacturing. The benefits of using a ” PLC”, is that productivity and accuracy will be better and first compared to using individuals.
Let’s take another example: For retail inventories, they don’t have to employ more people to manage and keep track the number of inventories. All they have to do is to use database systems which can be accessed remotely. This will make inventory data more accessible to whoever needs it with in the company. This will cut off delays in delivery of this information and makes the work.
In conclusion, businesses will need to use technology to speed up their services and cut down on costs. Though technology can’t do certain things, it reduces time and money.
 2.  The Use of technology in communication:  Unlike in the past when communication was limited to letter writing and waiting for those postal services to deliver your message. Today technology has made the field of communications so easy.  Now you can draft a business message and email it or fax in a second without any delays; the recipient will get the message they will reply you instantly.

  • Also, technology has made business meetings so simple, with the introduction of video conferencing; you no longer have to worry to be late for a business meeting. Now with this video conferencing technology, you can be in the meeting in a virtual form and engage with your partners directly.

  • Also, technology has made it simple to get feedback from your clients instantly:  This has been aided by the introductions of online business to consumer portals like ’’Facebook Business Pages’’.  As a business, you will get responses and suggestions from your customers via social network portals.  All you need is to create your business page and promote it, so your clients will always post what they want on your wall and suggest areas of improvement.  This will save you money on direct mail surveys and other means of getting information from your consumers.

Sites for  video conferencing: Use vide conferencing tools for ”Accuconference,” and you will have face to face meetings just like as if you were in the same room. This technology will save you a lot of time and money. This is a leading provider of personal  telepresence for big enterprises. Their technology enables HD multipoint video conferencing and video collaboration

3.  Use of technology in human relationships:  As the world develops, people are getting more carried away with their work and carries. Today a lot is demanded, so everyone is busy to have time to find a relationship. So technology has also filled this part. With technology, you can connect and meet new people while at work using social network technology.  You can also use technology to find a new date without living your work.  Nowadays people use mobile phone apps to meet and connect with new and old friends. Social networks like, Tagged.comhave played a big role in connecting both old and new relationships.
 However, virtual relationships are not as strong as physical relationships, so I advise you to take off time and meet these people you network with virtually and get to know each other better.  On the other note, people who over participate in virtual relationships, end up with no friends in real life, and they develop a disease called cyber-sickness and loneliness.
Apps for Dating: This is a social network for people searching for mates. You can connect with anyone and communicate with them for free. Get App: Get app here This app has connected more people in the world, and most of these connections have resulted in real marriages. Get App: Get app here
Two: This app helps people connect with others by recommending basing on potential match and interests. Get App: Get app here
Eharmony: With this app, connections are based on various dimensions of which will result in a long-term relationship. For those in need of long-term relationships, I recommend Eharmony App. Get App: Get app here

4.  Use of technology in education: Today, technology has made a very big change in the education world. With the invention of technological gadgets and mobile apps which helps students learn easily.  Nowadays you can access a full library via a mobile app on any smart phone or iPad. Before inventing this technology, students had to go to physical libraries to get the information they need. some of these library Apps include
Apps for Education:
. The Library App – It brings the library in your hands.
My Library: With this app, you can catalog your books by scanning the ISBN with your iPad camera, and it helps students get access to free eBooks.
Book Crawler: This app will solve the book cataloging problem for students, and it also has a location awareness which will help a student see what others around them are reading.
Library Books: This App can track multiple library cards and let you know when you’ve got a book coming due.
The list is endless, but this is a good example to show you that technology has made education simple.

5.   Use of technology in purchasing:  Technology has also made the buying and selling of good so flexible. With the introduction e-payment systems like  and Square Wallet App, users can easily purchase anything online without living the comfort of their homes.
For you to use PayPal, you will have to sign up with the site for free, then connect your debit card details so that money is transferred from your physical bank account to your electronic PayPal account. So when you go to a store like, you can use your PayPal electronic credit to buy anything on This has made purchasing of items so easy.